Take action against the war in Afghanistan this month

    oct09actionbannerWhile public opinion has turned sharply against the war in Afghanistan this year, the White House and Congress are slow to listen.

    In fact, Obama’s only response has been to send tens of thousands of additional troops and mercenaries to the “graveyard of empire.”

    Therefore, we must send those in Washington a message stronger than polls. As difficult and unpleseant as it may be, we must sacrifice more – and do so more often – until this national nightmare has ended. Business as usual simply must not continue.

    With the eighth anniversary of the war quickly approaching, the War Resisters League has cued us in to an important action.

    On October 5, activists with the WRL and other organizations and communities will attempt to deliver a petition against the war to President Obama and request a meeting. In the process, some of the participants will risk arrest in an act of civil disobedience in front of the White House.

    Read the WRL’s full Call to Action at: www.warresisters.org/calltoaction

    To sign up for the action, or if you have any questions, e-mail: octoberactions@warresisters.org

    To sign up for the October 5th National Day of Action Against the War in Afghanistan listserv, go to: https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/octoberactions

    For October 5th in DC Logistics, Housing, Food, Transportation & Legal information, go to: www.warresisters.org/logistics

    For Resources for Organizing for October 5th, go to: http://www.warresisters.org/october5-resources

    And if you can’t make it all the way to D.C., there will also be local actions and educational events against the war across the country on October 7 and again on October 17. To learn more, click here and here.

    Get information on local October 7 actions in New York!

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