“No You Can’t!” send more troops to Afghanistan rally

    ENDUSWARS.ORGA new coalition of antiwar groups called End US Wars has organized an emergency rally at the White House this Saturday, December 12th, from 11am to 4pm, to call for an immediate end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the drone attacks (and covert ops) in Pakistan.

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), former Rep. Cynthia McKinney, former Sen. Mike Gravel, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Kathy Kelly, Chris Hedges and a host of antiwar leaders will take part and speak at the demonstration.

    If President Obama does not meet these demands, the coalition promises to step up opposition, which will include supporting real antiwar candidates in the next election.

    (One group that seems to be planning more dramatic action beginning this March is called Peace of the Action. Their site says participants will “bring forward a historic escalation of Peace Activism like we have not seen in the United States in a long time.” Without getting more specific, they plan to disrupt “business as usual” by committing “courageous deeds of civil resistance [on a daily basis] until our demands are met.”)

    If you live in DC or can make it there, the protest this weekend will be a good opportunity to voice your opposition to our never-ending wars. And if you can’t get there, organizing a rally in your local area in solidarity with this action would be just as important.

    Click here for the Event Guide, including map and transportation arrangements.

    Get regular updates here as a Facebook fan of End The Wars.

    Click here to read the Open Letter to the President.

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