Doyle Canning and Patrick Reinsborough

Doyle Canning is cofounder of the Center for Story-based Strategy. She is dedicated to expanding the political imagination and building powerful, ecological justice movements with strategic nonviolence and story-based strategies. Doyle is a consultant, speaker, trainer, and coach, and is pursuing a JD degree focused on climate change law at the University of Oregon, where she is a fellow at the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. Follow her adventures @doylecanning, and at Patrick Reinsborough is a strategist, organizer and creative provocateur with over 25 years of experience in movements for peace, ecological sanity, democracy, indigenous rights, and economic, racial and global justice. He cofounded the Center for Story-based Strategy (formerly smartMeme) in 2002 to explore the intersection of movement building, the ecological crisis, and strategies to shift cultural narratives. Follow him on Twitter at @RadicalWhispers and find out about his latest projects at